Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The investigation of domestic violence in child psychiatric sample,2009,10,1,71-76,Avcı Prevalence of depression and its relationship with sociodemographic characteristics among women in a rural town of western Turkey,2008,9,3,148-155,Uensal The sociodemographic characteristics and psychiatric profiles of the accused persons who committed crime by means of firearms,2014,15,3,230-237,Canturk The psychological symptom probability of suicide and coping ways of a group of convict and detainee,2016,17,2,93-98,Çaynak Suicidal ideation marital discord and decrease effective relations among women from Iran,2018,19,5,459465,Ahmadi Emotional schemas accompanying self-harm behaviors among adolescents,2017,18,1,69-78,Ozgen Relation between early maladaptive schemas of adolescents  and depressive disorder,2017,18,3,283-291,Gökçe The relationships between low grade inflammation demographic and clinical characteristics in patients with OCD,2017,18,5,438-445,Ekinci The relationship between depression and insight into the possibility of suicide in patients with schizophrenia,2017,18,4,314-322,Atmaca The process of assessing adolescent patient who need liver transplant because of suicide attempt,2017,18,,26-28,Kardaş The determinants of benzodiazepine prescription at discharge from a psychiatric inpatient clinic,2017,18,1,36-42,Ekinci Evaluation of psychiatric disorders among admittances to 112 emergency services in Samsun - 2004,2006,7,4,211-217,Peksen Evaluation of referred psychiatry consultations at an education hospital,2006,7,1,27-32,Kaya Grief reaction in elderly,2006,7,3,179-184,Yazgan Guns and forensic psychiatry,2006,7,3 Suppl 1,10-17,Balcioǧlu Risk factors and etiology of depression among elderly: A review,2006,7,1,49-54,Kiliçoǧlu Sibutramine associated depression with suicide preoccupation: Two case reports,2007,8,3,234-237,Şengül Suicide of a patient with schizophrenia: A case report,2007,8,1,74-78,Aydin The sociodemographic and psychosocial evaluation of the cases presented to an emergency department with poisoning,2007,8,2,121-125,Toros Adjustment disorder and life events,2008,9,4,197-202,Özdemir Role of the social work profession in works for suicide prevention,2008,9,3,179-187,Alptekin Psychological autopsy and its practices in Turkey,2009,10,4,332-335,Özşahin Relation between seizure duration apllied electrical dose and response speed to electroconvulsive therapy for patients with depression: A retrospective study,2009,10,4,286-292,Ozkan Can suicide attempts be predicted? The results of the six-month prospective follow-up of patients who had attempted suicide and admitted to emergency service of a university hospital,2010,11,1,1-8,Elbi Effective treatment with electroconvulsive therapy of three cases with Parkinson disease psychosis and depression,2010,11,1,79-82,Bulut Temperament in suicide attempt: A mediator role of cortisol,2010,11,4,293-298,Kesebir The clinical features of olanzapine overdose in emergency department; A three years experience,2010,11,2,145-150,Güloğlu Temperament of depressive adolescents and mothers who were referred to hospital with or without suicide attempt,2010,11,1,9-17,Böke Adult ADHD prevalence in Sivas province and comorbid axis-I axis-II diagnoses,2011,12,3,177-184,Yapicioǧlu Childhood trauma and quality of life among alcohol dependent men,2011,12,4,245-252,Evren Early- versus late onset dysthymic disorder: Clinical characteristics symptom profile and social adaptation,2011,12,1,49-54,Eker Homicide-suicide: A Case report and rewiew of literature,2011,12,4,312-314,Sayhan Lithium poisoning: Is the lithium level a guide?,2011,12,3,198-203,Yanturali Psychiatric disorders self and family functions in adolescents with suicide attempts,2011,12,4,280-286,Celik Secondary demantia case following suicide attempted by hanging: A follow-up for one year,2011,12,4,304-306,Çelik The relation of childhood trauma with suicide attempt and self-mutilation,2012,13,4,277-284,Yargiç Sociodemographic characteristics and psychiatric evaluation of girls who were married at younger age and referred for criminal evaluation,2013,14,2,136-144,Ayaz 3240 mg long acting methylphenidate intake for suicide attempt,2014,15,Suppl-1,S1-S3,Ipek A pica case associated with suicide-bereavement,2014,15,Suppl-1,S39-S42,Atay Comparison of temperament and clinical features of bipolar disorder patients with and without suicide attempt history,2014,15,3,214-220,Altinbaş EEG abnormality in first episode mania: Relation with clinical properties in subsequent remission period,2014,15,1,1-7,Guven Outcomes of suicide attempters in the emergency unit of a university hospital,2014,15,2,124-131,Akpinar Personality disorders and some clinical variables in suicidal individuals,2014,15,1,24-30,Unal Self-injurious behaviour in high school students in city center of isparta and factors psychiatrically related with this behavior,2014,15,3,257-264,Aktepe The relationship between temperament and character features and social problem solving in psychiatric patients who attempted suicide with drugs: Preliminary results,2014,15,1,31-38,Turkcapar Traumatic grief presented with self-injury and suicide attempt: A case report,2014,15,Suppl-1,S21-S24,Yüksel Gender differences according to psychological and behavioral variables among 10th grade students in Istanbul,2015,16,2,77-84,Can Suicide probability and affecting factors in psychiatric inpatients,2015,16,3,164-172,Dogan Relationship between risky health behaviors and some demographic characteristics of adolescents' self-esteem and healthy lifestyle behaviors in Çankırı,2015,16,1,51-59,Dil Substance use effects on the characteristics of crime and violence in schizophrenia,2015,16,2,104-112,Aydin Childhood traumas in patients with bipolar disorder: Association with alexithymia and dissociative experiences,2016,17,3,188-195,Yilmaz Dating violence in adolescent forensic cases with history of sexual abuse,2016,17,3,240-247,Murat Suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts in sydenham's chorea: A case report,2016,17,,20-23,Özdemir Demirci Bullying in schools and its relation with depressive symptoms self-esteem and suicidal ideation in adolescents,2018,19,2,210-216,Tural Hesapçioğlu Predictors of dating violence in college girls and differences from non-dating violence in psychiatric outcomes,2018,19,2,217-222,Koyuncu Kütük Relationship between suicide attempt and cognitive functions hopelessness insight in schizophrenia,2018,19,3,256-263,Yüksel Reliability and validity study of the Turkish version of the psychache scale,2018,19,Special Issue 1,14-20,Tamam Sleep and suicide relationship in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder,2018,19,1,37-44,Karakuş Type D personality childhood traumas depression anxiety and impulsivity in individuals attempting suicide,2018,19,6,551-558,Avci Chronotype and temperament relationship and the effect of chronotype on suicide risk in patients with unipolar depression,2019,20,5,460-469,Kiliç Comparison of clinical features comorbidity and functioning in substance dependents with and without adult adhd,2019,20,3,296-304,Erdoğan Effects of comorbid personality disorders in bipolar type i disorder patients to disease course,2019,20,3,237-244,Tan Increased neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in suicide attempters,2019,20,3,305-312,Sen Tanrikulu Online challenge related self-harm in children and adolescents: Two case reports,2019,20,5,556-558,Poyraz Fındık The association between crime commitment and viral infection history in male schizophrenic patients*,2019,20,4,404-411,Öncü The predictors of impulsive self-injuring and suicidal behaviors in borderline personality disorder,2019,20,4,341-349,Sahin The relationship between self mutilative behavior suicide attempt history and impulsivity and some clinical variables in male opiate-dependent patients,2019,20,1,29-37,Atmaca Childhood traumas difficulty in emotion regulation and coping strategies in adult patients with nonsuicidal self-injury,2020,21,4,349-358,Bakar Kahraman Is alexithymia a separate dimension in schizophrenia?,2020,21,6,565-571,Gulec Investigation of impulsivity anxiety and depressive symptoms as predictors of suicide in obsessive-compulsive disorder,2020,21,2,180-186,Çoban The mediating effects of psychache and dissociation in the relationship between childhood trauma and suicide attempts,2020,21,5,453-460,Tamam The effects of latent toxoplasma gondii infection on the behavior and personality characteristics of university students,2020,21,1,70-76,Akgül Medical faculty students' views on Euthanasia: Does it change with medical education?,2021,22,2,113-117,Akbayram The relationship between suicide attempt and gonadotropins gonadal hormones and cortisol in females,2021,22,5,230-236,Akan The covid-19 pandemic and suicidal behavior in bangladesh: Social stigma and discrimination are key areas to focus on,2021,22,5,275-276,Islam The Relationship Between Suicide Attempts and Ideation with Depression Insight and Internalized Stigmatization in Schizophrenia,2022,23,1,18-25,Güz