Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author How is resilience associated with anxiety and depression? Analysis of factor score interactions within a homogeneous sample,2010,13,1,9-16,Peters Quetiapine overdose associated with alcohol intoxication,2004,7,4,60-61,Khazaal Gender differences in patients with schizophrenia in terms of sociodemograpic and clinical characteristics,2006,9,1,41-47,Atalay Psychiatric emergency services - Inpatient admissions during the night,2006,9,4,128-132,Hauth Newspaper reports of suicide: The impact of newsworthiness,2006,9,3,97-100,Bruno Does distance matter? the effects of proximity to the psychiatric hospital on psychiatric service use by psychiatric nursing home residents,2013,16,1,20-28,Kilian