Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The role of evidence in public health policy: an example of linkage and exchange in the prevention of scald burns,2007,3,2,59-66,Macarthur Canadian community health survey: major depressive disorder and suicidality in adolescents,2006,2,2,76-89,Cheung Health status and healthcare use patterns of rural northern and urban Manitobans: is Romanow right?,2006,2,1,108-127,Martens Meeting the privacy requirements for the development of a multi-centre patient registry in Canada: The Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry,2013,8,4,87-99,Fehlings Media coverage of youth suicides and its impact on paediatric mental health emergency department presentations,2014,10,1,97-107,Cloutier Tokenism and mending fences: how rural male farmers and their health needs are discussed in health policy and planning documents,2018,13,4,50-64,Regan Commentary: The conflict between protecting public health and raising tax revenue,2024,19,3,29-32,Hall