Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author "So Long as I can Read": Farm Women's Reading Experiences in Depression-era South Dakota,2009,83,4,503-527,Lindell British game shooting in transition 1900-1945,2011,85,2,204-224,Martin "Be receptive to the good earth": health nature and labor in countercultural back-to-the-land settlements,2008,82,3,279-308,Edgington The first fences: fencing the colony of New South Wales 1788-1823,1999,73,1,46-69,Pickard Secret societies and agrarian violence in Ireland 1790--1840,1972,46,3,369-384,Christianson Bandits mad men and suicides: Fear anger and death in a troubled Iowa landscape 1929-1933,2006,80,3,296-311,Ossian The 1980s Farm Crisis: A Boots-on-the-Ground Retrospective,2022,96,4,580-593,Tevis