Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The functionality and safety of medical electronic products--standardization in a troubled area of conflicting demands,1992,2,2,59-68,Söder Wrong diagnosis of a foreign body incorporation after a dog bite in the hand,1993,3,4,263-265,Sommer Spiral computerized tomography diagnosis of abdominal seat belt injuries in children,1997,7,1,19-22,Klöppel Fatigue fractures of the sacrum in primary biliary liver cirrhosis,1995,5,3,161-163,Schmidt Heavy metal incorporation as an unusual self-injury,1998,8,3,131-134,Kijewski Bullet embolism in the right pulmonary artery,1998,8,4,203-204,Schöpf [Long-term follow up of intravenous mercury therapy],1998,8,2,98-100,Stier