Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Unifying Wildfire Models from Ecology and Statistical Physics,2009,174,5,E170-85,Zinck Vegetation Fire and Feedbacks: A Disturbance-Mediated Model of Savannas,2009,174,6,805-818,Beckage The Independent and Interactive Effects of Tree-Tree Establishment Competition and Fire on Savanna Structure and Dynamics,2010,175,3,E44-65,Lopez From infanticide to parental care: why spatial structure can help adults be good parents,2007,170,2,E26-46,Lion Scorpion of Texas,1867,1,4,203-205,Lincecum The Tarantula,1867,1,8,409-411,Lincecum Deer and Deer-Hunting in Texas,1868,2,9,466-476,Wright Earthquakes,1868,2,10,539-547,Brigham Socially mediated trade-offs between aggression and parental effort in competing color morphs,2009,174,4,455-464,Pryke Cryptic sexual conflict in gift-giving insects: chasing the chase-away,2006,167,1,94-104,Sakaluk The role of despotism and heritability in determining settlement patterns in the colonial lesser kestrel,2007,169,2,E53-67,Serrano Distraction sneakers decrease the expected level of aggression within groups: a game-theoretic model,2004,164,2,E32-45,Giraldeau Natural variation in a testosterone-mediated trade-off between mating effort and parental effort,2007,170,6,864-875,McGlothlin Buffered development: resilience after aggressive subordination in infancy,2003,161,5,794-807,Drummond Adaptive dispersal strategies and the dynamics of a range expansion,2008,172,Suppl 1,S4-17,Duckworth Understanding shifts in wildfire regimes as emergent threshold phenomena,2011,178,6,E149-61,Zinck Poison frog colors are honest signals of toxicity particularly for bird predators,2012,179,1,E1-E14,Maan The Balance of Terror: An Alternative Mechanism for Competitive Trade-Offs and Its Implications for Invading Species,1999,154,5,497-509,Adler The post-mortem imbibition of poisons,1886,20,2,101-108,Miller Coping with danger and deception: lessons from signal detection theory,2021,197,2,147-163,Sherratt How Neanderthals became White: the introgression of race into contemporary human evolutionary genetics,2022,200,1,129-139,Weasel Genetic variation in male aggression is influenced by genotype of prior social partners in drosophila melanogaster,2024,203,5,551-561,Douglas Evolution of local facilitation in arid ecosystems,2008,172,1,E1-17,van Baalen Eco-evolutionary dynamics of mutualists and exploiters,2009,174,6,780-794,Ferrière A metapopulation paradox: partial improvement of habitat may reduce metapopulation persistence,2011,177,6,792-799,Poethke